March Magnolia Blooms
Credit: Gentry Massey-Williams, Assistant Collections Manager
Prepare for an explosion of color this March at Magnolia! This month, the Azaleas will create a sea of pink in the landscape as they bloom. Different varieties of Saucer and Star Magnolias will add sweet scents and interesting textures to the garden. Tulips will be flowering in our entrance beds alongside snapdragons, violas, and a variety of greens. Late-season Camellias will continue their color into the warmer weather of spring and present showy flowers in all different forms.
Our Bloom Station, carefully curated by our Horticulture team, offers a glimpse into the seasonal blooms found throughout our 66 acres of gardens. Located near our Welcome Center, just past the arbor, this display is updated daily with fresh clippings of flowers and plants currently in bloom across the property.
Next time you visit, be sure to stop by and use it as inspiration for your garden stroll. Below is an image of our Bloom Station from March 3, 2025. Keep an eye out for each bloom in the gardens—it’s the perfect way to appreciate Magnolia's natural beauty!
March Blooms
TOP Row (From left to right)
Debutante Camellia, Camellia japonica
Winterberry, Ilex verticillata
Summer Snowflake, Leucojum aestivum
Saucer Magnolia, Magnolia x soulangeana
Spring’s Promise, Camellia japonica
Middle Row (From left to right)
Blush Hibiscus, Camellia japonica
Tama Bambino, Camellia japonica
Giulio Nuccio, Camellia japonica
Betty Sheffield Supreme, Camellia japonica
Drama Girl, Camellia japonica
Marquis de Montcalm, Camellia japonica
Middle Row (From left to right)
‘Waterlily’ Star Magnolia, Magnolia stellata
Leucantha, Camellia japonica
Okame Cherry, Prunus x ‘Okame’
Betty Sheffield Supreme, Camellia japonica
Daffodil, Narcissus sp.